Blepharoplasty (Eyelids)

Aging causes your structure to weaken leading to excess fat around your eyes, sagging eyebrows, droopy upper lids, bags and dark circles under your eyes. Droopy skin (dermachacholoisis) can impair your vision making you look and feel older.

Cosmetic eyelid surgery (or blepharoplasty), removes excess skin, muscle and fat to repair eyelids.

Incisions are made following the natural lines of your eyelids, in the creases of your upper lids and just below the lower lash line. The incisions may extend into laugh lines in the corner of your eyes. The incisions separate skin from underlying fatty tissue and muscle, remove excess fat and often trims sagging skin and muscle.

After Surgery

After surgery, it should take about two or three days before you can read fine print and work on a laptop. You will not be able to wear contact lenses for about two weeks, and possibly longer as they may feel uncomfortable for a while. Most people feel ready to go out in public (and back to work) in a week to 10 days.

Depending on your rate of healing and Dr. Stein’s instructions, you may be able to wear makeup to conceal any bruising that remains. Most people are able to wear makeup and hide bruising around day 6 and are usually back to work in 7-10 days.

Before and After a lower Blepharoplasty

Endoscopic Brow Lift

A brow lift releases the muscles and tissues that cause drooping, smoothing the forehead, raising the eyebrows improving shape and minimizing frown lines. Dr. Stein uses an endoscope, a viewing instrument that allows the procedure to be performed with minimal incisions. A brow lift is commonly performed to correct brow height, shape and heaviness in the upper eyelids.

Dr. Stein makes two small incisions on each side of the scalp (no hair is shaved). An endoscope is inserted through one of the incisions, allowing Dr. Stein to have a clear view of the muscles and tissues beneath the skin. Using another instrument inserted through a different incision, the forehead skin is lifted, and the muscles and underlying tissues are released or altered to produce a smoother appearance. Unlike a traditional browlift, your hairline is not altered.

After an Endoscopic Brow Lift

You will have your stitches or staples removed 6-10 days later. Swelling and bruising can last for about a week and is very common. At least two days after surgery, you should keep your head elevated to help the swelling.

Avoid heavy lifting, vigorous exercise or other activity for the first few weeks after surgery. Itching may be a side effect but is milder than a traditional brow lift surgery. You may also experience numbness or tingling, which will subside over time. Most patients can return to work in 10 days or sooner, depending on individual rate of recovery.